Execute secure & hassle-free Digital Signature workflows with


CERT-In audited application, compliant as per CCA & UIDAI guidelines. Get the utmost configurability for all your signing needs.

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India’s largest digital signing application by volume


and counting...

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Signing Gateway

Digio’s Customisable UI

Aadhaar e-Sign and Electronic Sign

  • Built-in failover mechanism with multiple CA-ESP integrations

  • Aadhaar backed signatures with Lat-Long capture and name match checks

  • Multi-party signing and review workflows

  • Customizable signing coordinates, user interfaces and language support

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Contract lifecycle management


Execute complex contracts with advanced signing and approval workflows

  • Multi-party access with role-based document permissions

  • Auto reminders and user activity notifications for contracts

  • Multi-party signing and approval workflows with detailed audit trails

Enterprise signing solutions

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‘Plug and Play’ USB token to download your DSC to perform Digital Signing anywhere and anytime

  • Easy-to-use web authentication, fully compatible with Windows systems

  • 64 KB storage for private keys, multiple certificates and sensitive data

  • Compliant with ISO/IEC 7816, PC/SC and CCID specifications

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Document Signer Certificate

Document Signer Certificates are issued to organizational software applications for bulk digital signing of documents.

  • Class 3 DSC for highest level of security in digital transactions.

  • Fully compliant as per IVG guidelines

  • Support for Individual and enterprise use-cases for signing and encryption

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Document Execution

No code studio for developing multi-party, conditional signing workflows for enterprises

  • Enable e-Sign within document workflows for faster document execution

  • Template-based document creation with version control & customization options.

  • Configurable workflows for routing documents through approval processes, stay updated on their progress with notifications and reminders.

Track all e-Sign requests in a single view

Track all e-Sign requests
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Achieve Measurable Business Value with DigiSign


Reduced operational cost


Reduced Turnaround time (TAT)


Increased Workflow Productivity


Business Scale Achieved

Explore Digio’s Other Solutions


Business Workflow builder for end-to-end onboarding

Drag & Drop reconfigurability with auto-approval mechanisms

Onboarding journey traceability and analytics

Configurable business validations to ensure full compliance

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Comprehensive Identity and Business Verification with Enhanced Due Diligence

Digilocker Integration

ID OCR Analysis

Selfie Verification

Geolocation and VPN check

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Intelligent screening and real-time monitoring ensure secure onboarding and compliance with regulatory standards, preventing inclusion on sanctions or embargo lists.

Robust Screening Engine

Enables Compliance Efficiency

Drilled-down Insights

Powerful Rule Orchestration

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The Most Trusted Signing Solution in India, enabling you with highest configurability for digital signing

Aadhaar eSign

USB Based Digital Signer Certificate

Document Signer Certificate

Electronic Signatures

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Automate NACH-Compliant Recurring Collections with Multiple Sponsor Bank integrations

API Mandates via Debit Card and Net Banking

360 degree view of collectibles with single integration and dashboard for effective tracking

NACH Mandates

UPI Mandates

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What is the difference between a digital signature and an electronic signature?

While digital signature and electronic signature are terms that are often used interchangeably, the two concepts have a few key differences. A digital signature is primarily used to secure a document and prevent tampering of the document by unauthorized individuals. Electronic signatures, on the other hand, imply an intent to sign a document. Aadhaar-based digital signatures are fully admissible in court.
The IT act recognizes digital signatures (such as the Aadhaar-based e-Sign) to be as legally valid as physical signatures, and are fully admissible in a court of law.
Digital signatures, such as the Aadhaar e-Sign, reduce operational costs, save time, and promote workflow & business efficiency. Documents can be signed remotely (without the need for individuals to be physically present), at the click of a button. Aadhaar e-Signs are linked to the identity of an individual, eliminating the possibility of tampering or fraud.

The following classes of documents cannot be e-Signed:

  • A negotiable instrument as defined in section 13 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
  • A Power-of-Attorney as defined in section 1A of the Powers-of-Attorney Act, 1882
  • A trust as defined in section 3 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882
  • A will as defined in clause (h) of section 2 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925 including any other testamentary disposition by whatever name called
  • Any contract for the sale or conveyance of immovable property or any interest in such property
  • Any such class of documents or transactions as may be notified by the Central Government in the Official Gazette
Document Signer Certificates are issued to organizational software applications for the automatic authentication of documents/information attributed to the organization using digital signatures. E-commerce receipts, invoices, credit card bills etc. are common use cases of Document Signer Certificates.

A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is issued to businesses or individuals for the purpose of digital signing. There are three classes of DSCs issued by the licensed certifying authorities in India:

  • Class-I: authenticates email address
  • Class-II: most commonly used, requires photograph, copies of proof of identity and address attested by gazetted officer/bank official
  • Class-III: requires in-person verification by CA.

Private key for such DSCs are provided in Password or PIN protected USB dongles and need to be renewed. There are 2 classes of Aadhaar eSign issued by licensed certifying authorities in India.

  • OTP Class: Authentication happens via. OTP using Aadhaar eKYC
  • Biometric Class: Authentication happens via. Fingerprint/IRIS using Aadhaar eKYC

OTP Class Aadhaar eSign facilitated by Digio is equivalent to Class-II DSC

An individual who is authorized by the company or organization can digitally sign documents using e-Sign. To be authorized for this purpose, the organization must pass a board resolution allowing the individual to sign documents on its behalf. This resolution needs to be documented, and the authorized person must consent to signing documents on behalf of the organization.
Yes, using Digio’s mobile application, documents can be e-Signed from an Android smartphone or tablet.

Through the interface provided by Digio, users can electronically/digitally sign any electronic content in the following ways:

  • Aadhaar eSign: After authentication with Digio (OTP sent to the entered mobile number and email ID), an OTP is sent to your Aadhaar-registered mobile number. At the backend, the key pair is generated, and a DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) is issued by the CA (Certifying Authority). Digio then applies this DSC to the document, and returns the signed document to the user - all this in a matter of seconds!
  • Electronic/Stylus Signature: An OTP for authentication is sent to the entered email ID or mobile number, after which you can draw your signature on the requested document.

The following entities may use DigiSign for e-Signing:

  • Any individual with an Aadhaar number (linked to a valid mobile number or verified through a biometric device)
  • Any individual or business with a Digital Signature Certificate
  • Any individual or business with a Document Signer Certificate

e-Sign is 100% legal.

According to the Information Technology Act (2000), e-signatures are as legally valid as handwritten signatures for most documents. The exceptions are mentioned in the following point.

The following classes of documents cannot be e-Signed:

  • A negotiable instrument as defined in section 13 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
  • A power-of-attorney as defined in section 1A of the Powers-of-Attorney Act, 1882
  • A trust as defined in section 3 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882
  • A will as defined in clause (h) of section 2 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925 including any other testamentary disposition by whatever name called
  • Any contract for the sale or conveyance of immovable property or any interest in such property
  • Any such class of documents or transactions as may be notified by the Central Government in the Official Gazette.

For more information, please read our Legal Statement, or reach out to us at support@digio.in.